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Showing posts from November, 2017

Goals and Iteration: A Personal Story

Last month, I achieved a goal I set for myself over two years ago. That goal was to become a Google Certified Educator and a Google Certified Trainer. I earned my Level 1 and Level 2 Certifications earlier this year and I was approved as a Google Certified Trainer last month. It was a goal that I thought I had to let go and wouldn’t be able to achieve with the career shift I had made; because two years ago, I left the world of education to become a corporate trainer for a real estate company. I left education, sadly, for a lot of reasons. I left because I was a part-time teacher in one district, a study hall para, lunchroom supervisor, after-school homework coach, online teacher for a different district, tutor, and evening adult education teacher. I literally worked myself sick and kept working through the illness. All through that, I was passionate about using technology in my classrooms effectively and innovatively. I made sure that I was in the building as much as possibl

Games in Google: Memory

Matching was always one of my favorite games when I was young. I could play it for hours. As a classroom teacher, I used to love to incorporate games and play into my classroom. I have always been a subscriber to the Dr. Suess philosophy that "Fun is good" and that learning should be fun. But one thing I never liked was storing (and cutting out or the mess left after middle school students cut out) paper matching cards. I shied away from some of these activities because as a roving cart teacher the time to clean up after the class was over was too much when adding in the travel time in the hallway. The other day I saw this great activity and wished I had it when I was a classroom teacher, I would have used it and other game tools all the time! So here it is, making a memory game using Google Slides!